1 Ton Studio.

World class sound, affordable rates.

1 Ton Studios is a relaxed, creative studio environment. We offer a wide range of modern and vintage tones for tracking drums, bass, guitar and acoustic instruments. A great space for bands who like to record live-off-the-floor.

Studio: 250.661.0636
Email: 1tonstudio@gmail.com


For a comprehensive gear list see 1tonstudio.com


- Recording, production, mixing and mastering
(see discography)
- Remote recording (choirs, chamber ensembles, orchestra)
- Narration recording and scoring for film and television


Main studio space

Some toys

The doghouse

Telefunken 1/4" full track mono

Altec 1567a tube mixer

Yamaha U1 upright - Hammond M3

TLM 49

Isolation booths

Harmony Sovereign slide, clawhammer banjo, lap-style tele (neck)

30's broadcast mic


© 2017 One Ton Studio